Rhiannon Meredith
Welcome to the website of the Dutch Neuroscience Meeting (DN 2017), formerly known as the Endo-Neuro-Psycho (ENP) meeting. Over the past decade, this annual meeting has evolved into a unique national forum for the exchange of knowledge among various research disciplines in the field of neuroscience, including neuroendocrinology, psychology, neurology and psychiatry. Our history can be tracked using the weblinks to the past editions of our meeting.
The DN meeting will be held over two days in June. The scientific and social programme is designed to facilitate and stimulate the integration between scientists of different disciplines and career stages. The meeting starts and closes with prominent keynote speakers with a diverse range of parallel seminar sessions over both days, arranged in such a way that most participants will find sessions of their interest throughout the programme. These sessions feature internationally renowned senior researchers alongside postdocs and Ph.D. students. This approach creates an ideal atmosphere to promote the interaction between established senior and junior scientists and fulfils an important aim of the meeting. This year also features a special evening session on "Science and Communication", highlighting the role of science outreach work in the Netherlands.
The organisers welcome and encourage all researchers to submit an abstract for one of the two poster sessions that are open to both established and young scientists, including Master students.
DN 2017 will again be held at the Congress Centre 'de Werelt' in Lunteren. This venue provides spacious rooms for parallel sessions, a large hall for poster presentations, a beautiful lounge area to interact with colleagues, and comfortable rooms to stay overnight. Because of the anticipated high number of participants, the organisers strongly recommend and request room sharing. This will permit all of your colleagues to be accommodated on site, thus sharing the atmosphere also for the evening programme.
We encourage you to explore this year's rich programme and look forward to seeing you in Lunteren in June!
On behalf of the Organising Committee,
Rhiannon Meredith
Certificates of Attendance are available through your personal myDN page.
The Abstracts book is available for download through your personal myDN page.
Abstract submission deadline:
21 April 2017
Online registration deadline:
12 May 2017
Payment deadline:
15 May 2017
If submitting an abstract for a poster presentation, your deadline for payment is
8 May 2017